Just thought I would show you a few of the things I have been making.

Thanks to Trudi for giving me some of these long thin cello bags. I made these cuties and put them in with the final orders for the 2010 stamp club. They would be great for kids parties too. I hope all the girls like them, I will be delivering the orders today.

I made these flowers using the Sweet Treat Cups and the Ornament Punch. I gave each of the girls in stamp club one at our last meeting. I also gave them a glass with a candle, chocolates and a bag of assorted embelishments in it. Just a little thank you for being in Stamp Club and for their support and friendship.

Finally here is a picture of what I got from my Secret Santa. I feel very spoilt with all those gifts to open. Yes, I got all 12 gifts from one Secret Santa, I must have been Very, Very Good! Some of them had popped open in the mail (honestly I didn't touch them!!) So I have seen a couple of the things in there, but I am waiting for Christmas Day to open them all up properly. Thank You Secret Santa.

Best Wishes to you all,
Janice X
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